THX Katie!
I have had many an opportunity and each time I have even considered it, when the time came to partake of such a service, I have always chickened out. I have always perferred searching/having a willing girlfriend.
Utopian Reformist
JoinedPosts by Utopian Reformist
Could You Stay Friends With Someone Who Visited Prostitutes?
by Englishman ina while back, an aquaintance of mine told me that he liked to visit prostitutes.
although we weren't that close, i'd worked on and off with him over the years.
i knew his wife too and would often see her around town.. he'd told me that when he had something to celebrate, like his birthday or maybe a commercial win, he and a pal of his would do the pubs and clubs first and then go kerb crawling until they found a pair of street girls who would play the swopsy's scene.
Utopian Reformist
Very good apologetics for honest seekers
by Shining One inare you tired of the arrogant assertions of the elite ex-jw clique here?
here is some powerful ammunition to "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god"! .
Utopian Reformist
I followed this thread and I must start by complimenting and thanking CARMEL, COGNITIVE, DANNY, Poppers and especially PeacefulPete for the excellent reasoning and logic. All of your posts were a pleasure to read!
CARMEL raised a very important point about "extending" the historical acceptance and veracity of ancient writings to a scope beyond the philosophers and christians. This is critical because if any ancient texts containing specific information about the origin of man and existence of the supernatural, and such texts are written by men, and later accepted by men of subsequent generations without having been eyewitnesses, then all must accepted to the same degree or all must be discarded as superstitious and religious fiction.
The point made was and is solid, logical and should not be ignored and/or minimized. It's inescapable! -
Could You Stay Friends With Someone Who Visited Prostitutes?
by Englishman ina while back, an aquaintance of mine told me that he liked to visit prostitutes.
although we weren't that close, i'd worked on and off with him over the years.
i knew his wife too and would often see her around town.. he'd told me that when he had something to celebrate, like his birthday or maybe a commercial win, he and a pal of his would do the pubs and clubs first and then go kerb crawling until they found a pair of street girls who would play the swopsy's scene.
Utopian Reformist
During my service in the military (USMC - 1980's) and during my single life, living overseas and on both coasts in the U.S., I too have had several friends, associates or acquaintances who would occasionally or semi-regularly visit women working in the "oldest profession".
I am glad you posted this thread because this issue has once again risen in my life. My current training partner at the gym used to own a lingerie clothing shop. His shop was frequented by numerous dancers, entertainers and strippers that work in the local blue light district (now very large and popular in the Northeast) in Providence, R.I.
This friend developed casual acquaintances with these women and made a bi-monthly, or tri-monthly habit out of visiting these clubs and spending hundreds of dollars on personal dances, etc. Just this past weekend, I declined to attend a bachelor's party for a mutual friend/member of our gym because it was being hosted in one of these clubs.
Again, my friend called me late last night and was lamenting having spent more than $300.00 USD on the dancers.
My personal dilemna with strippers, dancers, adult clubs, escorts, prostitutes, is that I just can't justify or rationalize the expense. If one is married, committed or involved and has agreed to a monogamous relationship with another party, then I believe making use of these adult services without prior discussion is morally wrong.
If one makes such a desire known, and the other party supports such usage, then that is another story. But, to waste hard earned money on individuals who are simply trying to excite and create urges which cannot be satisfied, and doing so in public in the company of other married men, perverts, business people, seems very dirty.
I like/love sex like most people, but I also like my privacy. At the constant moaning of some of my friends, I did finally visit a few of these places, and I have to tell you it did nothing for me as far as helping me forget my personal problems, the death of my daughter, the loss of my family. Nor did it excite me in any way.
How does one relax enough to become excited in public? How can you relax and allow the flirtations of a paid dancer/entertainer stimulate you in public when there are so many other people in the same room? I cannot enjoy intimate contact that way or in that setting.
Believe me, back in my days in southern california, my EX and I rolled around like chicken cutlets in the sand many a night after skinny dipping, but that was different.
Being in a room with some public officials, some blue collar workers, regular men, neighbors, friends, strangers, etc sort of takes all of the joy out of the room. Plus, I find it personally insulting and degrading when a paid entertainer pretends to flirt with me and then ask for money.
I don't know, maybe I am wierd. -
I just met Bebu and her family!!!
by codeblue ini am so proud to say i met bebu and her family.....wonderful people!!!.
bebu is just as awesome as her posts are....she is a beautiful, geniune, kind person!!!!!.
they were just at my house for homemade cake and coffee...... i wished i could have spent more time with them, but they were heading for their family vacation...... (((bebu))): .
Utopian Reformist
I am so happy that someone was able to meet and spend time with Bev! Her entire family is awesome and I hope to have the same opportunity this coming year. They are amazing people!
Confession...How can I help you my Child
by Vassago inwow who is at work playing on jwdf right now!!
it is 8/10/05 12:46 pm, just after lunch.. and if you are not at work, where are you and what are you doing .
tell the truth and the truth will set you free!!!
Utopian Reformist
I have been playing on the board all afternoon while monitoring some server installations of Solaris 10. So, I am guilty!
Quick: How do I JW-proof the house?
by Thegoodgirl inhey guys, i'm looking for tips.
i have 48 hours, so how do you jw-proof your house?
mom and sister and brother-in-law are coming this weekend.
Utopian Reformist
I would leave out christian material. I think JW's are more offended by that than off-color material and media. I'll bet they will cringe and stiffen right up.
Barf alert.......
by nicolaou inrelax, just listen to the tone of my voice.
accept what i say and when i click my fingers do just as i command .
*** w67 6/1 p. 338 move ahead with jehovahs organization ***.
Utopian Reformist
Oh my God, I am going to hurl!!! My skin crawling, my hair is standing up, and I feel nauseous.
did you actually pay for magazines and literature?
by arwen inalthough i did put money into the contribution box untill i found out about silent lambs, i never really counted how many magazines and books i picked up or ordered and no one ever said anything about paying for them.
i just assumed one put in the box what one could.
did anyone actually figure out what they might owe and put that amount in the contribution box?
Utopian Reformist
Back in the 80's, we used to pay $.25 cents for each magazine, and some of the 192 page books were $1.25, some were $1.50 and there was an entire price list at one time. Boy, I wasted thousands of dollars on that krap.
Did you blindly accept all the JW teachings?
by JH ini was the "good jw", that accepted everything they taught, without even thinking of searching to see if it was true.
and how could i have searched to see if what they preach was true?
i don't speak hebrew or greek.
Utopian Reformist
Yes. I was completely fooled by the bibliographies and references and indexes in the publications. I was the classic SUCKER!
Last Generation Of Jehovah's witnesses?
by Dune inhere's an interesting idea my brother and i have been discussing when we do parking lot duty during the service meetings.
we've come to the conclusion that this is essentially the last generation of jehovah's witnesses.
i thought you'd have to be young to notice this, but its pretty apparent anywhere we go.
Utopian Reformist
Even though the WTBS may shift focus over to the third world, and even though there are millions of unsuspecting prospective converts in these lands (africa, india, china, etc), the problem is all of those that would succumb to the WTBS rhetoric are POOR!
Even a million new converts only contributing $.01 (one cent) each is definitely NOT enoguh to justify spending millions of dollars to buy, move and ship materials for building branch facilities in new places. The cost can't be recovered, thus, nearby existing branches would increase their output to service new lands, and then, after an inability to recover costs or draw in enough volume to justify further expenses, the WTBS would be forced to begin using a streamlined, downsized approach.
So, let's suppose the country of "DJIBOUTI" in East Africa's horn starts producing thousands of new witnesses. Now, since they are extremely poor, occasionally hampered by droughts and famines, civil wars and guerilla factions, even terrorists, how would the WTBS turn that country's witness population into a revenue generator like a western nation? The answer is they simply CANNOT without relying on the offset and surplus of donations from the west.
So, as long as the west declines in it's overall support of the WTBS (financially speaking, of course), the WTBS will not be able to sustain expansive growth and full-fledge facilities in developing poor countries, especially with the fear of terrorism and unstable governments.
I see some serious changes ahead for the newer high command at Bethel.